thoughts for august 2010

he's back?

Posted 14 years, 7 months ago

Welcome to another edition of “What’s He Been Up To?” wherein I explain WHAT I’VE BEEN UP TO to to to to…

First off, I’ve been illustrating picture books. Not one, not two, but THREE picture books. Ah ah ah ah! flash! BOOom…

The first book is called ”There Was an Old Auntie”, published by BeachHouse Publishing. It’s about an old Auntie who travels and finds a land where everyone lives in a shoe.

My second book is ”The Blizzard Wizard”, by Lynn Plourde, and published by Down East Books. I have a meeting with the publishers next week, and I hope to learn how to set up book signings around Chicago. I will be talking more about this when I know more.

The third book I’ll tell you about when it becomes available.