fantastic four

Usually after creating an image that takes a lot of time or brainpower to do, I like to crank out the next image as kind of a quick, fun thing. After I finished jack frost, with all of its spidery lines and subtle, silvery color palette, I wanted to draw something bold and colorful.

I drew the four main characters while on the train, and I liked the sketch so much, I decided to finish it up at home. To complete the image, I started to draw invading aliens and showing them definitively in New York City (that’s the Manhattan Bridge in the background). That means there’s buildings and windows and things behind windows inside people’s apartments that have to all be figured out.

I chose to ink it to give it a bolder look. Then there was the challenges of showing atmosphere and depth of field, not to mention casting the shadows.

In the end, this picture that I was doing just for fun took me longer than the picture I was trying to unwind from. It was fun, though.